Tuesday, March 29, 2011

advanced recovery...and the ghetto.

Since last check in, they have moved Julie to her own room, and she is doing really well. She sat up in a chair tonight, had a little bit of dinner, and was even about to go for a short stroll with the nurses as I was leaving the hospital. I'm sure I'll hear all about that in the morning.
Julie was happy to learn that she and Dr. Dozois could still be besties, since he did in fact do her ileostomy take down, but was less than impressed with her very small but private room. Last time we were here, her room was in the newly renovated part of the floor. This time we are in one of the older areas of the hospital and not quite as swank. No sofa, no shower in the room. So Julie has decided we are staying in the ghetto.
Also, they have a new plan for post surgery patients call "advanced recovery". They have found that it is better to try to avoid narcotics and have patients begin to eat regular foods as soon as they can tolerate them after surgery. So while, Julie was very happy to get a little baked mac and cheese and a chocolate shake for dinner, she was a little bummed that there was no morphine pump in her future. That's my sister, the post surgical drug seeker! But since the pain has been under control with oral and regular iv pain meds, she will just have to miss out on the narcotic buzz. :)
More in the A.M. friends, I'm headed for bed.

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