Saturday, March 26, 2011

Next adventure

Hello Friends-
Long time no chat huh? Well we're heading back to Mayo today. Julie and I have decided to make it a two day trip, since she has a billion appointments on Monday. Our biggest excitement for the drive up, is a planned stop at the SPAM Museum. We have driven past it a couple of times, and Julie has decided it's a must see!

Once we get to Rochester, Julie will have appointments and tests all day Monday, and by 4:30 or 5:00 we should know if they will do her Ileostomy take down surgery on Tuesday. If they say yes, we will be in Rochester for 3 to 5 more days. If they say let's wait, we will head back home. No matter what they decide, Julie knows it will be the right choice, but we are keeping our fingers crossed that they say yes! I'll keep you posted.


  1. GODSPEED on your trip Girls!!!
    Good to have some fun on the way (SPAM museum:)

  2. I am saying a bajillion little prayers. Maybe God likes volume? Either way, may the trip be a safe one. And enjoy the SPAM museum! Love, Jenny

  3. OMG I just wrote you a huge message, and it's g.o.n.e. Love to you both. Be safe. xo

  4. Hoping that everything goes according to the Plan....whatever that turns out to be! Travel safe and lots of prayers are coming your way!!! Looking forward to seeing you soon!

  5. It's early Monday morning and I'm thinking of you, both of you, and sending positive energy your way. <3 U
