Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Dr. Sweetser came to say hello.

All right friends.

We got a visit from Dr. Sweetser who's wife is from Kansas City and they were married there. (It's a pretty small world huh?) Here's what we know. We will be waiting until tomorrow to get results from the biopsies and stool samples. This will tell us if there is an infection that is keeping Julie from responding to drug treatment. If that is the case, they have great treatments for the infection and would in the end really help to control the Crohn's. For once, infection would be the BEST case scenario.
If that is not the case, they are looking at doing a surgical procedure that would bypass the colon. They would go in arthroscopically and disconnect the colon from the small bowel and bypass the colon. They would have to put in a temporary ostomy bag. This procedure would allow the colon to rest and heal itself. They would also start a treatment called Remicade that should also help. Dr.Sweetser said that Julie's colon is severely inflamed on the left side and that there are LOTS of ulcers. He expects with the surgery they would keep the colon bypassed for three to four months, and then they could re-attach the colon once it had a chance to heal.
As far as time frame for all this stuff... We expect the results of the labs to be back sometime tomorrow. We will meet with the surgeons either this evening or tomorrow to discuss that option. Once we have the results we will create a plan. If we are doing the surgery option, probably that will happen either Friday or Monday. If it's the infection plan, they will start treatment immediately and hope Julie responds very quickly.
So the short version is we will know more tomorrow, and pray for infection! Love to all and thank you so much for all the prayers, notes, calls, jokes and everything else.
P.S. Becky S.- Julie said to tell you that you should really listen anytime God tells you to pass along messages because she really really needed that scripture last night during all the colon prep crap.


  1. Ok, totally focusing on wanting this to be an infection. focus...focus...focus...
    love to you all!

  2. Hafta say, first time in my life I will be praying for infection.
    Love you Julie!!!

  3. Hi Sweat Pea...we hope you are feeling better tonight. Who would have ever thought a virus could be a blessing?! This night we are praying the Lord brings you peace...and rest...and healing.

    Gotta tell ya...we have had so many people asking about you...please know you are loved!!!

    Thought of Day:
    If God is watching us, the least we can do is be entertaining.

  4. Pray for an infection?? Can do!! We love you all and miss you in Salina!! Judy B.

  5. Hi guys: Thanks for sharing your progress. We are all thinking of you guys and praying for you. I'm sure it won't surprise any of you that the nickname we have always had for Jim here in the office, (ironically enough), is "Go Lightly". He is just so full of it, that it has always seemed appropriate. Get better and get home. Steve T.

  6. She has had to have been in some serious pain. I'm praying for infection, and pain-free!

  7. My nephew had this surgery about the time I had my last colon resection. He is 38 yrs. old. He did beautifully and after the bowel rest, his reconnection worked perfectly, and still does!

    I am a bit lost on the blog, looking for the latest, imagine that, me? lost? at 7:35 am without sleeping yet?.

    I just wanted to say that you are at a wonderful place to figure out the problem and fix it!

    If you proceed with the procedure listed on this date, I know you will do beautifully--I will it so. God will guide the hands of your surgeons, nurses and techs.

    Thinking of you while I look for the latest updates! Love, Meg Pivonka
