Thursday, May 6, 2010

MRI, meatloaf and Marti

Well today has been a day almost entirely about waiting. The nurse came in this morning to tell Julie that the doctors would like to do an MRI which will be helpful to the surgeons if we go that route. The MRI was scheduled for 2:45 and Julie wasn't allowed to eat or drink anything before the procedure. Lucky for Julie and her hungry belly they came in about 1:00 and took her down for the test. In the meantime our friend Marti who is a pottery studio owner from Wisconsin came to visit. She has been a wonderful diversion from a pretty long day of sitting around waiting for test results.
We were really hoping to get some results from the colonoscopy biopsies and CMV test, but alas they are not back from the lab yet. So we are hoping that the doctors have those results by morning rounds tomorrow. It will be really exciting to have a plan.
The other highlight of the day for Julie was dinner. Apparently, Mayo Clinic has some of the best meatloaf around. The mushroom sauce on top was the best part. So if ever you find yourself a patient of Mayo Clinic you have Julie's reccommendation.
More tomorrow as soon as we know!


  1. Ugh! Waiting is sooo hard. Glad the meatloaf was good after making you wait :). Hang in there, we are praying for you all. I drove by one of your Dad's listings numerous times today, and it made me think of you each time. Praying that your culture dishes are overflowing with a very treatable bug!! Lots of Love, Beck Gang

  2. Robin you are doing a spectacular job of documentation.
    I, too, drove by a listing on Ohio and thought of you all. Not that I hadn't been thinking of you all day, anyway.
    When you hear about the storms in central Kansas, they went around Salina, as of 11 PM.
    Come on infection, infection, infection...

  3. well, my goodness, missy! I must keep a closer eye on you!
    I agree, the person that came up with the name "go lightly" is a very angry person. I refuse to call it that, and prefer the brand name "colyte". It somehow just tastes better that way.

  4. I believe I need to head to bed. I am sorry I posted twice.
    I shall dream of Julie romping through the poppy fields with Robin and a beautiful green castle in the distance........wait...that is a movie I saw once, about a Wizard over the rainbow.
    OK, I shall dream the same thing I am praying about, Julie to fully recover and come home. If you have surgery, May the Lord guide the surgeons hands. May you have an uneventful recovery and come home to the town that loves you and needs you. Amen. Love, Meg Pivonka
